Flu season is around the corner and covid is still lurking in the shadows. This is the perfect time to learn the best way to fight viral infections. You need to be prepared to both prevent and combat viral infections from trying to knock you and your kids down. Let’s work on keeping those visits to the doctor’s office way down.
We will show you 5 easy steps for your family to follow to accomplish this. Why should you pay attention to what we have to say about this subject? We have raised 9 children and the only time we had to make an emergency visit to the doctor’s office was to treat a broken arm for one of our sons. Other than wellness visits, we have been doctor free.
5 Vital Steps To Prevent or Minimize the Effects of Viral Infections
These 5 steps are all related to strengthening your family’s immune system. Follow these steps to get you and your children prepared for the flu/virus battle ahead and beyond.
- Meals – The first step is rather easy but does require you to make some changes in eating habits. You simply need to add more natural whole foods to your family’s diet like fruits and vegetables. Use different types of lettuce greens and other cooked vegetables.
- Supplements and Herbs for immune boosting – The next step we call the HB Naturals step because there is a quick no-prep way to get your fruits and veggies and more. They have created an organic plant-based superfood powder called Nourish and it contains 30 different fruits, vegetables, grains, and sprouts. Every scoop of this dietary supplement powerhouse provides the anti-oxidant ORAC equivalent of 7 servings of organic fruits and vegetables. In addition to Nourish, they have also formulated an herbal extract/essential oils blend for adults and one for children under 10 years old called the Adult Wellness Blend and the Child Wellness Blend. You actually rub these blends on the soles of your feet. They contain a combination of eucalyptus, tea tree oil, palmarosa, cineole, peppermint, oregano, clove bud, and coconut oil.
- Sleep – The continual lack of sleep is like rolling out the red carpet for viruses to attack your family because your immune system becomes weakened with sleep loss. Make it a point to arrange evening schedules so everyone is getting adequate sleep on a regular basis.
- Exercise – Crazy work and school schedules can really make it difficult to exercise our bodies. Combine fun time and exercise together as a family. We used to have soccer games in the yard and would also take walks with a reward of frozen yogurt.
- Hand Washing – Kids’ hands are everywhere, so set up some signs on the bathroom door to remind them to wash every time they use the restroom. You can also make use of those antiseptic wipes if you like.
To put some muscle to these steps behind the best way to fight viral infections, check out either or all of these 3 HB Naturals products described above by going to:
https://shophbn.com/nourish.asp?sponsorsite=747036 for Nourish,
https://shophbn.com/adultwellness.asp?sponsorsite=747036 for Adult Wellness, and
https://shophbn.com/kidswellness.asp?sponsorsite=747036 for Kids Wellness
We even have a special gift certificate available for you to use when you reach out to us.