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HB Naturals CBD Is The Best Plus Team Build

HB Naturals CBD Is The Best Plus Team Build

I have learned through personal experience not all CBD is equal! There are many poor quality products on the market and it is essential your do your research before purchasing any CBD product. So why am I saying HB Naturals CBD is the best?

Well there are various things to look at which I will explain below. But as well as the quality of the product I am also considering the prices when compared to an equivalent quality product. So its not only about quality/CBD content etc but also price as well.

So the first thing is, is the product 3rd party tested? HB Naturals get all their products tested independently at a specialist lab. HB Naturals uses Trace Analytics based in the USA. Each product has a certificate of testing which can be viewed when purchasing.

Does the amount of CBD per mg equal the amount of total CBD of the bottle (500 mg/1000mg etc). It should add up, if it does then you know you are 100% getting what it says on the bottle.

Is it free of chemical fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides? Extracted from hemp grown using organic, non-GMO seeds? Created using the full-spectrum cannabis plant? Independently tested using the highest quality standards and control? Extracted from hemp dried using a fresh-lock drying system which eliminates molds and pathogens? Extracted using a subcritical C02 method instead of harsh solvents? HB Naturals ticks ALL these boxes!!!

As touched on above, is it FULL SPECTRUM?

Why Full Spectrum Matters – Full spectrum CBD oil, unlike CBD isolate products, includes a wide range of cannabinoids present in the hemp plant. Full spectrum means that all available therapeutic compounds a plant has to offer have been extracted.

Each drop of full spectrum CBD oil has all the same cannabinoids, terpenes, essential fatty acids, and vitamins & minerals present in the hemp plant. Depending on the condition and what you are looking to achieve, full spectrum CBD oil can provide a greater effect than CBD isolates as all the cannabinoids work together.

Lastly, price. How much are you paying for your product. Compare the product you are getting with the equivalent of ours. Check your product is identical to ours, if not, why are you buying it? And if it is identical how much are you paying for it. If it’s dearer, and invariably it will be, again, why are you buying it?

And if that wasn’t enough, do you get a 60 day, empty bottle, no questions asked full money back guarantee? If not, why are you buying it?

Added to all this there is a unique business opportunity for those looking to get their CBD product free and to make some extra money on top.

Watch the CBD product video here

Follow a Team System – Join our team as we train you and your team to duplicate your strategy so all share in the growth of your business – Our Team System includes:

The MLM Dojo:  Our step-by-step training program that teaches you how to generate incoming traffic, leads and sales on auto-pilot with people who are excited to join!

Team Rotator:  We place people into your downline using out team rotator. Our approach is a little different and has a learning curve we know it will take a little time to build and we believe in rewarding our team members for their hard work, so once you reach a milestone in our Dojo training program we allow you to access to our traffic and leads and get added to the team rotator.  


By John Botting

Hello and thanks for looking at my blog article. My name is John Botting from England, UK. I'm a long time network marketer with over 30 years of being in the industry. My story of finding HB Naturals started with me searching online for a good quality CBD product at a reasonable price and stumbling across a video introducing HB Naturals and a team called HB Vitality. Anyhow after doing my research, I liked what I saw about the 1000mg CBD product, the CBD quantity per serving, and the price I decided to order straight away and become a wholesale customer by joining up for free. When I checked out the HB Vitality team build and team rotator system where people are put into your downline, plus all the free training and support. And then the HB Naturals compensation plan I knew I had to get involved. In my 30+ years of being in this industry, I can honestly say I have never seen a team as professional as HB Vitality and I'm very confident of the future now. Make sure you join us!

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