Are you looking for the lazy way to get healthier? We promise you there is such a thing. We will show you below how to improve your physical health without putting forth much effort. Our hope, though, is that this plan will get you started and then you will experience higher energy levels and become more actively involved in improving your health.
The Lazy Person’s Guide To Improve Your Physical Health Using HB Naturals
We are going to take a radical approach since the lazy person does not want to make any big changes. You will need to click some website links but you can do that and still remain lazy.
- Get Some Real Nutrition – There is no way you can avoid the fact that your body needs REAL NUTRITION so that it can come close to looking and functioning in healthy ways. The place to start is HB Naturals “Nourish” organic superfood powder. And don’t worry, it has a pleasant chocolate taste from the cacao beans. It was expertly formulated to include 30 different organic fruits, vegetables, grains and sprouts. When you stir 1 scoop of this superfood powder into your drink in the morning, you will be receiving the nutritional benefits of the ORAC (anti-oxidant measurement) equivalent of 7 servings of organic fruits and vegetables.

We don’t believe this kind of power-packed nutrition is available anyplace else. Nourish was naturally developed to help strengthen your immune systems, stabilize your pH levels, and improve your digestive health. Both adults and children can use this powder for adults AND children.
We know that you wouldn’t touch an organic sprout with a 10 foot pole, but Nourish powder contains sprouts (even though you can’t see them) from several sources such as buckwheat, broccoli, lentil and flax. Research has proven that sprouts can be 30 times more nutritious than cooked foods. We did this so you could cut down on your cooking chores.
OK, here comes the part where you will need to take some minimal action to start you on your lazy journey to improved physical health by getting your first package of Nourish below:
2) Stop Gaining Weight – We are not going to tell you to lose weight but we are going to say don’t gain any more weight. You can still avoid the gym and the dumbbells and you can still eat your favorite snacks and ice cream. But you must agree to add HB Naturals Slimmer powder to one of your meals every day. Why?

This superfood powder will help to increase your metabolism which in turn will help you to effortlessly manage your weight. It contains some powerful organic herbs that have been shown to boost your metabolism such as garcinia cambogia, yacon root, ashwagandha, sea buckthorn, and beet root powder for blood sugar regulation.
Get started below and get encouraged as you put a halt to an expanding waistline:
3) Clean Out Your System – We can only guess what your garage looks like but your insides must have a cleaning. HB Naturals has an excellent detox tea called Vitalitea that you can do for a 7-14 day period. To make this easy as possible, there are no enemas involved. All you have to do is drink 1 gallon of tea – oops we meant 1 quart of tea starting in the morning and finishing by 4pm each day.

VitaliTea contains several organic teas such as green and matcha and several organic herbs such as dandelion root, passionflower, burdock root, licorice root and red clover. You can proceed NOW if you can’t wait to get started by going to the link below:
4) Fresh Air – This is the most difficult part in how to improve your physical health. Get up off the couch and do not walk to the refrigerator or pantry. Please proceed to the front door and step outside and walk down the street, while taking some deep breaths of fresh air.
If you live in a city, you have permission to skip this step. Or maybe, you could get in your car and drive out to the country so can enjoy some non-polluted air.
We believe that better health is reachable for those of us who have given up on trying because it just involves too much work. We would be happy to help you in getting started through a generous gift certificate for those who respond quickly.
So, we salute you as your start your journey to better health from your Lazy-Boy,