10 Easy Ways to Boost Your Energy Naturally – Fast!

10 Easy Ways to Boost Your Energy Naturally – Fast!

Have you ever had one of those days where you just have a complete energy drain? Your get up and go, got up and went. Now you need to boost your energy naturally – and fast! To be honest, I think I am having a whole week of those days… So I was trying a variety of ways to re-energise my mind and body and resisting the urge to crawl back to bed. I thought I would share some of my favourite energy-boosting tips here :) 10 Easy Ways to Boost Your Energy Naturally – Fast! Smell lemonsLemon is a stimulating scent that is thought to be…
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Coffee That is Good for Your Brain: Nova Coffee

Coffee That is Good for Your Brain: Nova Coffee

I can remember as a child watching my grandmother make her coffee early in the morning and take slow sips as she read the newspaper. When I spent the night at her house, I used to beg for her to let me taste her coffee. She would say, “you are too young to get hooked on this”. Finally, one day my begging was no longer in vain, and she prepared a cup for me. It was in a very small china cup, with the saucer. As she poured the dark liquid from the coffee pot, my mouth began to light up with excitement. I just knew that…
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