5 Reasons You Should Stop Jumping from MLM to MLM

5 Reasons You Should Stop Jumping from MLM to MLM

Let me start by saying, I am guilty of this! I started with a makeup company, moved to another makeup company (because it was newer), moved to shampoo, books, vitamins…  As you can see, I moved around a lot! Looking back, I can see how this really hurt my business and made people not trust me. Here are 5 Reasons you should find your MLM home and stay there… Your customers can’t buy what you are selling if you keep switching it up on them. I can’t tell you how many times someone reached out to me and asked if I was still selling a certain product and…
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Weight Loss Pack from HB Naturals

Weight Loss Pack from HB Naturals

It used to be so easy for me to lose weight when I was younger. But now that I am in my 40’s and have a son, it’s been a struggle. Today, however, I am down 5lbs! I know, I know, this is not a lot of weight; but I gained a few pounds a couple of months ago and have not been able to lose them!  I keep hearing other people say that they too have gained a few pounds during the pandemic and I have been trying a few different things. None of which have really worked for my body until now. Everybody is different and…
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What’s in My HB Natural Package?

What’s in My HB Natural Package?

My son and I opened the mail today and we received another wonderful HB Natural package! HB Naturals are all natural, organic, vegan, plant-based products that keep you healthy. In this article we are going to talk about Sweet Orange, Prosper, Pink Grapefruit, Protector, and Repair by HB Naturals. Let’s talk about each item: Sweet Orange: is one of the most valuable essences to use for digestive complaints including nausea and vomiting, especially of biliary type; constipation, diarrhea, loss of appetite, and possibly weight loss through its effect on fats. Sweet Orange also has an affinity for the lymphatic system, bringing it into balance, which explains its success as…
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Homeschooling and Working an MLM Business

Homeschooling and Working an MLM Business

I know how stressful it can be to juggle homeschool, keep up with the house, make sure everyone eats, and the never-ending list of things that have to be done. You may be wondering if you could actually run a successful business, while trying to manage it all.  I’ve joined a number of network marketing companies before joining the HB Vitality Team and all of them required a significant amount of work, HB Vitality is no different. What is different however, is the type of work that you would be doing with HB Vitality.  In the past network, working my mlm business would require me telling all…
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Opportunity with HB Naturals

Opportunity with HB Naturals

In this article, we’re going to talk about Opportunity. If opportunity is knocking, are you going to answer the door?  If you were given an opportunity to join a network marketing business that has laid out all of the steps that you need to succeed, are you going to join? Or are you going to miss this opportunity. If you were given a step-by-step manual on how to grow your network marketing business, on how to sell products without having to hassle your family and friends, would you take that opportunity? Would you jump in? The HB Vitality Team has created a step-by-step system that helps you grow…
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What’s Your Why?

What’s Your Why?

Why do you go to work every day? What is it that motivates you? What is it that keeps you going? Is it your kids? Are your kids your motivation? Is it your spouse? Is it your parents? Is it because you do not want your kids living the same life you lived growing up? What if you could join a team that’s built a step by step system that works? That helps you bring in leads. That helps you sell products. That helps you grow. That helps your team grow. What if you could join today and it cost no money at all. Would you join?…
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Nourish with HB Naturals KID APPROVED

Nourish with HB Naturals KID APPROVED

I know I’m not alone when I say my son will not eat his vegetables. When I think about when I was a kid, I didn’t eat them either! We all know how important it is for us to get the nutrients we need from vegetables, but it is so hard to get our children to eat them. Now I know there are some people out there that will disagree with this statement and their children love vegetables, but for the ones who do have this problem, read on because I have found something my son really loves. When I purchased Nourish from HB Naturals, I didn’t immediately…
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Love your Liver with HepaDetox from HB Naturals

Love your Liver with HepaDetox from HB Naturals

Located below the diaphragm and weighing more than 3 pounds, rests your largest internal organ. The liver. It is bigger than your brain, consists of 96% water and we cannot live without it. “Anything that is eaten or consumed, whether it’s food, alcohol, medicine, or toxins, gets filtered by the liver. Once we ingest food, it is digested by the stomach and intestine, gets absorbed into the blood and goes to the liver.” (healthblog.uofmhealth.org) It is important to protect the liver and to help it detox when possible. Drugs and alcohol are known to cause cirrhosis of the liver. Fatty Liver Disease and Hepatitis may also cause…
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Change Your Life with The HB Vitality Team

Change Your Life with The HB Vitality Team

I tried it all!  This MLM, that MLM, and nothing worked for me. It worked for other people; I saw my sponsor at my first Network Marketing Company make it to the top. I don’t mean she ranked up and is still with the company, no, I mean all the way to the top! I started Network Marketing 6 years ago when I was pregnant. You see, I grew up poor for most of my life, and then I lived paycheck to paycheck. When I found out I was having a son, I knew right then, that I was going to make some changes because I never…
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The Secret of Combining 2 Power Ingredients

The Secret of Combining 2 Power Ingredients

There are so many things that cause headaches and can be mild or severe. Headaches can be caused by stress, high blood pressure, head injuries, the list goes on and on. There are certain symptoms that should be treated immediately when suffering a headache like droopy mouth or eye, unable to lift an arm, and garbled speech. Please seek a doctor for any of those symptoms. I’m in my 40’s and I usually do not get headaches, and I haven’t for most of my life. Recently, however, I have gotten a few tiny headaches in my temples. I’m not one for taking meds, including over the counter,…
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