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Homeschooling and Working an MLM Business

Homeschooling and Working an MLM Business

I know how stressful it can be to juggle homeschool, keep up with the house, make sure everyone eats, and the never-ending list of things that have to be done. You may be wondering if you could actually run a successful business, while trying to manage it all. 

I’ve joined a number of network marketing companies before joining the HB Vitality Team and all of them required a significant amount of work, HB Vitality is no different. What is different however, is the type of work that you would be doing with HB Vitality. 

In the past network, working my mlm business would require me telling all of my family and friends that I had joined a new company in the hopes of some sales and maybe someone joining my team. I would send private messages to everyone one in my social media friends list and ask them if there was anything they were interested in. Most were not. 

HB Vitality does not ask you to do any of these things. In fact, we tell you not to. Instead we network market with articles like this one and videos on YouTube. You might not find this article unless you searched for it. Because we are only looking for people that are truly interested in joining a company and those that need a specific product. 

As you learn the Dojo steps (how to create articles and videos), we help you grow your downline. Once you make it to Green Status in the Dojo, you will be placed onto a Team Rotator that grows your downline.

I think it’s safe to say that we network market a little bit differently.

Here are a few tips that I am doing as I homeschool and work my network marketing business.

  • I make 2 schedules. One for my son’s schoolwork and one for myself. This allows me to check off items as I am doing them and keeps me on track for the day.
  • I wake up at 5am.  I use this time to pray and meditate, enjoy a cup of coffee or vitalitea, read, and exercise. I can enjoy a little time before being pulled in every direction when my very active son wakes up.
  • I plan my meals and use the Shipt App to deliver my groceries to my porch. The downside is the $99 membership fee that is required once a year but if you’re considering it, it’s so worth it. They have a lot of windows for delivery times and the shopper will text you if an item is not available. This give me a little more freedom to do things at home, homeschool, or work on my business.
  • If you’re already homeschooling, you are doing this next one for sure. Multitask. After we begin homeschooling, I will walk away from my son and make beds, wash clothes, iron, and clean restrooms. If my son requires more of me, I stop what I’m doing and make sure he is able to understand the assignments. But, if it’s practicing cursive or adding, then I know he can do this without me, and I can do a few things around the house.
  • Designate time for the family. When my husband comes home from work, we cook, talk about our day, and enjoy each other for a few hours. My son gets on his bike and we take a walk to check the mail and walk around the neighborhood. We are able to get some fresh air and reconnect. This is my favorite part of the day.
  • Work when the kids are in bed. My son usually goes to bed at 8pm. This is when I am able to work uninterrupted. I can write articles and think of videos that I plan on working on. I sometimes work until 12am. That’s 4 hours of work time a night and a whole 28 hours a week I am giving my business!
  • Lastly, have FUN! It’s important to make sure you’re having fun when you’re homeschooling; when you’re with your family; and when you’re working. If you’re having fun, love will pour into all of these things.


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By Veronica Valencia

Hi, my name is Veronica Valencia. I live in the great state of Texas and come from a huge Mexican American family. I get to homeschool my 5-year-old and work from home. I am part of the HB Vitality team with HB Naturals and love all of the organic, plant-based products. If you are considering working from home and are interested in joining the HB Vitality Team, please send me an email and let’s get you started.

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