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Why Finding Your “Why” Is Important.

Why Finding Your “Why” Is Important.

What is it that motivates you? What drives you? 

You hear network marketers ask potential members “What’s your why?” Most of them say their family, freedom, etc. This is very true but what truly is Your Why? I saw a YouTube video of an influencer called The Budget Mom and her intro began with an exercise that went like this. 

She asked her audience to close their eyes and to think of a person or a thing that they can’t live without. Something so personal that it makes you emotional. I’m now asking you to do this exercise. Well… what did you come up with?  That is Your Why.

When you find your why, you know what you are working for. You wake up every day with a purpose and this builds a sense of determination. Finding your Why creates a human emotion behind your actions. You see everyone can wake up, go to work, get home, play with the kids, go to bed and do it all over again the next day. But when you have the human emotion behind it, your why, life becomes more colorful.

Some time ago, I began writing in a journal. A Gratitude Journal. And every day I write almost the same thing. 

  • Benny (my husband).
  • Remy (my son).
  • My extended family. 
  • The life I created for myself. 

Writing in a journal forces me to think about my Why every day. And a few things happen when I do this. I become extremely grateful every day. 

You see, this grateful emotion puts you in the greatest mood. When you’re in a great mood, you put everyone else around you in a great mood, you produce great results, and you have a great day. You feel inspired and you inspire others. You thrive.

If you’re needing a little inspiration to think of your why in the morning, begin listening to motivational videos on YouTube. There are a ton of them out there, but Tony Robbins is one of my favorites. Close your eyes for a few minutes and take deep breaths. Meditation helps me focus on my Why every morning. Dr. Joe Dispenza has the best morning meditations. Pick up a tablet and begin writing in it every day. Write why you’re thankful and what your plans are for the day.

If you would like a Free Downloadable PDF of a Grateful Journal, you can begin writing what you’re thankful for today. You can download it here:
By Veronica Valencia

Hi, my name is Veronica Valencia. I live in the great state of Texas and come from a huge Mexican American family. I get to homeschool my 5-year-old and work from home. I am part of the HB Vitality team with HB Naturals and love all of the organic, plant-based products. If you are considering working from home and are interested in joining the HB Vitality Team, please send me an email and let’s get you started.

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