Blog Post

How To Be Known As An Influencer And Become A Successful Network Marketer

How To Be Known As An Influencer And Become A Successful Network Marketer

Way back in 1932, a US based coffee company hired an actor to play a Doctor in one of their  commercials. In this commercial the doctor spoke about the dangers of caffeine in coffee and why they should drink the decaf version of this particular brand.

Well sales skyrocketed of the decaf and it was so successful it ran for years in several different versions.

So why did the decaf coffee sales skyrocket?  Because people saw him as a Doctor, and not an actor! He was able to use the influence of authority WITHOUT ever providing a real authority! 

What’s this got to do with network marketing? Well by becoming an influencer, an authority figure, it will allow anyone to attract people to you and your business and stop chasing people into your business.  

Think about it…

Don’t you think your credibility increases dramatically when you can demonstrate success yourself and show them a way they can copy your success? I can tell you first hand, it makes all the difference in the world.

In HB Vitality we show you a PROVEN system that allows you to become a published author on an authority blog site we own.

It’ll set you up as an authority figure within network marketing. Being an author on an authority blog site gives you INSTANT credibility and allows you to establish yourself as THE expert in your industry. It allows you to gain an unfair advantage over other people in your company. 

When people are buying products, or looking to join a company, why are they going to buy from you? Why are they going to go into business with you? It’s a well-known fact that people buy from people they know, like, and TRUST! Being a published author on our blogging site gives you an edge that 99% of everyone else simply don’t have!

If you want to build a wildly successful business, you have to stand above the rest and present yourself as an authority and THIS is the easiest and fastest way to do it.

Long after you’ve published your article it’ll be working away driving interested people to your website 24/7 and joining up into your team. 

Thank goodness our team leaders have figured out how becoming an author and publishing articles onto an authority blog site works, and works well. 

If you’d like to learn how to find the right way to become an authoritative author of blog articles, learn the right things to write about and get them published onto an authority blogging site which rank the articles high up on Google within 7 days, then you NEED TO JOIN OUR TEAM.  

We teach you everything you need to know about blogging, and also how to do video’s if that’s your bag, and then to allow all that information you’re producing to work for you day and night bringing people into your team on autopilot. 

And by the way, this training is all free!!!! Just place your product order with the company every month and all the training is free. 

Want to look around? No worries. Sign up is free. JOIN HERE  

By John Botting

Hello and thanks for looking at my blog article. My name is John Botting from England, UK. I'm a long time network marketer with over 30 years of being in the industry. My story of finding HB Naturals started with me searching online for a good quality CBD product at a reasonable price and stumbling across a video introducing HB Naturals and a team called HB Vitality. Anyhow after doing my research, I liked what I saw about the 1000mg CBD product, the CBD quantity per serving, and the price I decided to order straight away and become a wholesale customer by joining up for free. When I checked out the HB Vitality team build and team rotator system where people are put into your downline, plus all the free training and support. And then the HB Naturals compensation plan I knew I had to get involved. In my 30+ years of being in this industry, I can honestly say I have never seen a team as professional as HB Vitality and I'm very confident of the future now. Make sure you join us!

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