How HB Naturals has helped me with Covid-19

How HB Naturals has helped me with Covid-19

As I sit here in my bed writing this blog, I am first grateful that I am making it through one of the hardest times in my life concerning my health. I am still recovering from Covid-19.  I must admit, when I got my positive results, all I could think about was getting back home so I could get in the bed. Fatigue, coughing, and fever had taken over, and all I could do was sleep. It wasn’t until three days later that I had my first visit to the ER. I Had no idea that I was dehydrated and was in the beginning stages of Pneumonia.…
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The Benefits of Black Seed Oil from HB Naturals

The Benefits of Black Seed Oil from HB Naturals

When you think of things that are healthy for you, the last thing that comes to mind is oil. My first introduction to black seed oil was when I decided to go natural. I have had relaxers most of my life, and one day I decided that it was time for me to reduce the amount of chemicals in my body. For African Americans, relaxers have been used as a way to “tame” our natural hair. For some of us, our coiled hair can become hard to manage, so relaxers provided an easy way to handle our hair. Once I made the decision to grow my natural…
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Benefits of Black Seed Oil

Benefits of Black Seed Oil

Nigella sativa or black seeds are a valuable restorative plant. Its oil has many mending properties. Black Seeds oil have a rich history of people drug and was utilized in different frameworks of prescription in the antiquated world. An overlooked home prescription that currently makes a meriting return to present-day times. It has been utilized in the Middle East, going once more from antiquated Egypt. In Islam writing, it is referenced as perhaps the best type of recuperating and having prophetic characteristics. There are plenteous examinations accessible for research in the event that you need to find out about black seeds. I figure you should. Benefits of…
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