Blog Post

7 Tips to Create Time and a Business that Works

7 Tips to Create Time and a Business that Works for You

In this episode, I share some really simple and stress-free time creating strategies that will help you get time freedom and create a business that works.  

So you’re probably wondering how exactly you’re going to find the time, between taking care of the kids, and e-learning, and shopping for your household, and maybe even building your team and supporting your customer’s needs. 


We are at high demand everywhere, but how do we manage all of it so, that we can be successful in our  home based business and enjoy it, without compromising our family time?



I know… how in the world can you get it all done.  Well… I’ve prepared a few tips that have made a difference for me, and my hope is that they will help you get more freedom to create and dedicate more time to your business and love it.

1.        Determine what’s important for your business


What it is that you want to achieve or even what are the activities that are going

to make you money, get straight about that.


Make a list of those activities that you want to do. Maybe you want to go to a higher rank, and/or make more income, or automate your business process.



2.        Remind yourself why your business matters to you


Ask yourself why do you want to create and build your business.


What does it mean to you?


What would it make available for you or your family?


Why do you want to achieve the goals that you’ve set for it?



3.         Determine what do you have to get done


What are the activities that you you know you have to get done?


You know…the money making activities.


I created a video that includes more details on the these tips and also includes an exclusive checklist that will help you narrow down what your top 3 priorities are in your dream business. Check it out:



4.        Set targets to achieve your goals


Plan out how you’re going to achieve these goals,determine 

what it takes to meet them, and set your targets to achieve them. 


5.        Identify what you have to do, then delegate it


Identify all the activities that you need to do to build your business.


Outsource your least favorites to someone who will get the job done.


Fiverr is a great platform that you can visit to get some help.



6.         Get intentional with your business

It can be hard to find the right balance between your family time and

your business.


Set a specific amount of time that you’re going to dedicate to your business daily

and stick to it. 


Write down all the activities that you did and the time it took.


This will help you start create a mind set as to how much time things take to 

get things done.


7.         Celebrate your efforts and accomplishments


Did you achieve your goal, or complete your top 3 money making 

activities for the day? Hey, It’s time to celebrate.


Dance with the kids, share a post, do a Tik Tok…just have fun!



You’re doing what you love and that deserves a dance party. 



If you are looking to create a business that you love and have a supportive network that helps you along the way.

Then I invite you to check out my team and click the link below.

I am super excited to work with you.

Please send me a message if you have any questions, let’s stay connected.

My email:

More information on our marketing process: 

By Connie Rivera-Adames

Hey Friends, It’s Connie Rivera. I am super excited that you are checking out this article. I am a mom and step mom to 5 beautiful kids, been married since 2012 and I am absolutely committed that everyone that I come across creates and lives a life that they just want to jump out of their beds for. I love teaching and helping particularly moms create fun successful direct sales marketing businesses where they do not have to compromise their values, family time or annoy their families or friends with another MLM/Networking marketing thingy to try. For 6 years I was employed as a corporate coach / district sales manager for one of the oldest MLM companies and my commitment is to teach you everything I learned and trained my top Recruiters and Sellers to do that worked and tell you about the stuff that didn’t work. I love HBN products because they have helped me ease the chronic knee and back pain of all the hip hop dancing I did in the early years. I love the Pain Cream, Lavender Ice, CBD Oil and the Healing Trilogy Mind, Body and Soul. I am a designated Marketing Ninja on a fantastic team of entrepreneurs that are committed to being financial freedom fighters and sharing the possibility that building an MLM business cab be profitable and fun. If you would like to learn more about that business check it out here and make sure to check out my youtube channel where I share tons of free resources, and real life right now tips to increase the profitability and workability of working your business. Start your free Business tour here:

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