HB Naturals is a Network Marketing (MLM) company that is 100% plant based and lets face it plants have gotta be better than pills any day right? So sit tight as I’m going to give you a quick insight of HB Naturals!
PLUS I’ll show you how to create a massive team with our team HB Vitality, without having to make lists of your friends and family or spam everyone on social media like everyone else is doing!
Let’s Have A Quick Look At The Products…
Why Plants Are Better Than Pills!
What’s unique about HB Naturals is 100% of its product line is made from plants. But not any old plants, oh no. They are all…
- Natural
- Raw
- Organic
- Gluten Free
- Dairy Free
- Non GMO
- Soy Free
- Cruelty Free
- And of course made from the highest quality ingredients.
HB Naturals take the Ayurvedic approach (Google It!) to product formulation. The focus is on improving the Mind, Body and Soul at the same time!
Some of our product range is listed below:
- Superfoods and Sprouts
- Black Seed Oil
- High Quality CBD Oils
- Extensive Range Of Essential Oils
- Healthy Tea & Coffee
- Weight Loss
- Personal Care
- Products to help our Pets
And these products work! Don’t take my word for it, check out the (literally) 1,000s of testimonials we have from across the globe!
So there you have it, plants certainly re better than pills any day!
SHOW ME THE MONEY!!!! – How to Grow a Massive Downline in MLM
Easy right? Yeah, you just share these products with everyone you know and post all over Facebook and people will flock to you biting your hand off to join you because the products “Sell Themselves”!
Well if you listen to other people and so called leaders then that’s all you need to do. As well as make a list of your friends and family, pitch people at the grocery store, tell everyone within 3 feet of you what you do and spam everywhere on social media! Still not growing a team? Well, – Just tell more people silly!!
Now Listen Up! Here IS the truth. To be successful in any MLM company – You need a formula, a structure and a marketing plan that you can follow, implement and be successful with!
How do You Easily Grow a MLM Business?
Get people to come to you! Yes, everyday, there are millions of people who are searching Google and YouTube for solutions to their problems. That means there are millions of people who are interested in buying these products and joining this company, joining you! And it’s your job to get our message in front of those people.
When you can offer your business and products to people who are looking to buy them – you can have your breakthrough in network Marketing!
So What does HB Vitality (our team) do that makes us different?
- We teach our team how to research Keywords that relate to our business and products, so you can get in front of those people.
- We’ll show you how to create simple and fun content that gives people solutions to their problems.
- Then we invite people to learn more and take a Free Tour of our Business, just like I am about to do to you!
Free Training for HB Vitality Team Members:
- We have a training programme called The MLM Dojo: It’s a step-by-step training course on how to easily start generating unlimited incoming traffic for life! We have our own team rank structure which you move up as you learn new skills.
- As you Rank Up within our team you’ll have more and more open up to you including gaining access to our Team Rotator: Yep, you’ll start getting people placed directly to you via the team rotator. We plug you into our traffic sources, while you are building up yours! Nice!
Right, now’s the time to get started. Join Here For Free https://hbteambuilder.com/johnbotting/