How to achieve full-time income in network marketing…
It’s is pretty simple…
Personally enroll as many as it takes.
The bottom line is, as many as it takes. 30, 40, 50!!!!! Whatever it takes in your company for you to hit a 4 figure monthly residual income regularly.
I know from personal experience when recruiting large number of people personally your downline explodes. In one company I sponsored 100 people myself and that team grew to 10,000.
The 2 who get 2 who get 2, or “I’m going to enroll 5, that enroll 5, that enroll 5” may work, but the chances are it won’t grow into a large team for you
In theory…
It makes sense…
But you don’t gain mastery in network marketing with theory.
You gain mastery and a full-time income in network marketing by doing the work… In reality when trying to achieve full-time income in network marketing. You’ve got to go personally produce and put in enough people to find LEADERS! Network marketing is a sorting business…
Its not going to be easy for 90%+ of people to sponsor 30 people, or even 10 people into their business. But to be successful YOU MUST sponsor at these sorts of levels because those 30 will turn into thousands!
So how do you make it easier? You join a team where the work is shared. Where you sponsor people yourself and the team sponsor people for you and place them direct into your team.
Now we’re talking. Now getting 30 personals isn’t so much of a challenge. By sharing the work and gaining the same amount of personally sponsored people most people can see the benefit to that and will put in extra effort.
Shoot for enrolling 30 people, by getting 15 yourself and the team giving you the other 15 and BAAM, there’s your 30!!!!
Ask yourself this question “How many people did you personally enroll into your team last month?”
If the answer to that question gets you excited…
Good! You’re well on your way.
If not…
You’ve got some work to do. But if you have a team also contributing, just imaging the numbers you could achieve!
Excited now? Good, click the link below and lets show you what we do.
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