Blog Post

What’s REALLY holding you back in Network Marketing?

What’s REALLY holding you back in Network Marketing?
Yesterday I had a meet up with one of my long time network marketing friends. And we chatted about the years we had spent in the industry and the frustrations we had endured and why so many people in network marketing never really move forwards.

Without blowing our trumpets, there’s a lot of wisdom between us. My friend had been very senior in a MLM company back in the 80’s and had built a huge team globally, and remember this was BEFORE THE INTERNET!!!! He ended up in a corporate role in the companies head office in Canada. And he’s a Brit, so it meant an international relocation. And I had built a global team of over 10,000 in a company I was in using just Facebook and YouTube. So we have both experienced success albeit mine was very short lived due to the company messing up and collapsing!

Anyway, we got to talking about the stuff that’s held us back in the past and what it took to break through it…

I was sharing with him how I had paid out for numerous training courses over the years to help me with area’s I was weak in.

I had worked out that over a period of around 7 or 8 years I had probably spent around $20,000. Now some of that money was well spent but some was not. It was wasted on people who over promised and under delivered.

After the meeting I started thinking about what really holds us back.

In so many cases, it’s the simple fact that we don’t feel like we’re worthy enough to succeed.

I had struggled for many years in network marketing because I felt like I wasn’t able to recruit enough people or find enough people to talk to. I hated talking to family and friends or strangers in car parks!

It took me years longer than it should have for me to get over myself and accept…. I’m a Network Marketer and be proud of that.

Throughout my school days and beyond, I didn’t ask anyone out on a date or to dance with me because I hated the word no or the laughs I got (in my case!), I felt like I wasn’t enough.

Here’s what I eventually came to realize and what I continue to realize more and more as I grow older is…

I am enough, and so are you. You, my friend, are way better than you think you are. And once you realize that you’ll experience incredible levels of power.

When you learn that you already possess all the power necessary to succeed, success becomes simple to manifest because it’s who you are.

And while we already have the power and greatness inside us, sometimes we need a little push and direction to bring that greatness out.

Part of what’s allowed me to have success with HB Vitality is that we have so many amazing leaders emerge from the team. Why? Because the team have been able to simply help them see the power they already possessed inside. How? Because we give people a structure and teach them a skill set that is PROVEN to work.

If you’d like me to help you see that power within yourself, I’d like to invite you to join our amazing team. It won’t cost you a penny. You’ll get to see how we work, how we train, what we train and chat to the amazing leaders that are in there and committed to your success.

In the group you’ll be put through training sessions that are going to unveil the strategy that’s allowed our team to double in size in 90 days and to propel people quickly into leadership roles and become influencers in the network marketing profession and our company HB Naturals.

No other team do this type of training or expose you to the tools we use to put us at the top of the search engines month after month for literally 1000’s of search terms with our PERSONAL SIGN UP LINKS attached. You would have never done this training before so don’t wait around for another year of feeling not worthy!!!

Join Up Now For Free – Test Drive HB Naturals – Join Our Facebook Group And Test Out Our Training And Strategy.

Stop beating yourself up! Stop chasing people! Get people to chase you…. And they will!

By John Botting

Hello and thanks for looking at my blog article. My name is John Botting from England, UK. I'm a long time network marketer with over 30 years of being in the industry. My story of finding HB Naturals started with me searching online for a good quality CBD product at a reasonable price and stumbling across a video introducing HB Naturals and a team called HB Vitality. Anyhow after doing my research, I liked what I saw about the 1000mg CBD product, the CBD quantity per serving, and the price I decided to order straight away and become a wholesale customer by joining up for free. When I checked out the HB Vitality team build and team rotator system where people are put into your downline, plus all the free training and support. And then the HB Naturals compensation plan I knew I had to get involved. In my 30+ years of being in this industry, I can honestly say I have never seen a team as professional as HB Vitality and I'm very confident of the future now. Make sure you join us!

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