HB Naturals Lavender Essential Oils: Why do you need it.

HB Naturals Lavender Essential Oils: Why do you need it.

Lavender is one of natures most fragrant flowers. The name comes from the color of the flowers which are a violet blue color, or lavender. It is native to the Old World and is commonly found in parts of Europe, Northern and Eastern Africa, and the Canary Islands. Lavender is in the mint family and people have been using this purple flower in a multitude of ways. Lavender is mentioned often in the Bible by its Greek name Spikenard. There are also references to this plant in Christian writings in which Lavender is believed to have been taken from the Garden of Eden by Adam and Eve.…
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5 Keys To Boosting The Immune System in The Elderly With HB Naturals

5 Keys To Boosting The Immune System in The Elderly With HB Naturals

If you have parents or relatives who are 65 years and older, there has been so much more attention placed on protecting their health. We have some vitally important information for you related to boosting the immune system in the elderly. Covid 19 has targeted our elderly loved ones, but there is much we can do to improve elderly immune systems so they can successfully fight off these deadly infections and viruses. It is horrifying what has happened over the past several months in our elderly population, but now you can fight back. We have all faced incredible challenges dealing with this virus situation, but one good…
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MLM: Not the old fashion way with HB Naturals

MLM: Not the old fashion way with HB Naturals

For most people when they hear the term MLM they immediately turn their attentions to pyramid schemes. Yes, some MLM’s are just that; designed to make you spend hundreds if not thousands of dollars with the hopes of a mighty windfall, only to learn that your bank account has been drained and your dreams of retiring on a beautiful beach are now crushed. I have had my share of MLM’s. As a child I remember a representative from Amway coming to my house and offering my mom a “dream opportunity” to create financial freedom. My mom, being the skeptic, bought the product, but not the business. Avon,…
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How To Boost Immune System in Older Adults using HB Naturals

How To Boost Immune System in Older Adults using HB Naturals

If you are 50 years or older, you need to pay close attention to what we are going to say about improving your health and keeping your immune system strong. We can no longer ignore the consequences of not taking care of our bodies. Please keep reading as we reveal to you how to boost immune systems in older adults. As much as a pain in the ass that covid 19 has been over the past several months, one positive thing is that it has shaken us out of our complacency. Now how is that possible? It is no longer possible for us to continue thinking that we…
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Making Mint-Infused VitaliTEA HB Naturals

Good morning! So my sweet friend Christopher surprised me with some fresh Candy Mint from his garden yesterday. YAY!! I LOVE garden treasures!! Today I decided to switch things up and steep my VitaliTEA with it! Candy Mint is an extremely sweet variety of peppermint. It’s great for cooking and making tea. Mint can be used for a variety of things. To relieve a tension headache, you can apply a compress of mint leaves to your forehead. Mint is also known to calm a queasy stomach, a go-to when I am not feeling well. It is also a calming herb, to help relieve stress and anxiety. One…
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Get Paid To Lose Weight with HB Naturals

Get Paid To Lose Weight with HB Naturals

The Heart & Body Naturals SLIMMER Challenge is a 90-day contest everyone can win! The Heart & Body Naturals SLIMMER Challenge Participants are paid based on the amount of weight they lose using SLIMMER and other HBN products, up to $10 per pound lost! Details can be found here: http://www.gocleanandlean.com/index.asp?sponsorsite=HealthyIsHot I’ll highlight the details below… Prizes Prizes are awarded based on the number of pounds a participant loses during the SLIMMER Challenge. The maximum prize amount that can be earned is $500. Lose 1-19 pounds in 90 days and earn an official SLIMMER Challenge t-shirt.Lose 20-29 pounds in 90 days and earn $4 per pound lost.Lose 30-39 pounds in 90 days and earn…
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Sleep better with HB Naturals Products

Sleep better with HB Naturals Products

With the hustle and bustle of the day, sometimes all you want to do is get home, relax, and get a good night’s sleep. It sounds easy, but people all over the world have issues with this simple, yet complex task. Sleeping is important for a host of reasons. Our bodies require rest. Cells are repaired and vital functions are restored during sleep. It’s no wonder why doctors suggest that we get 6 to 8 hours of sleep a night. Here is an article on the history of sleep https://www.news-medical.net/health/History-of-Sleep.aspx As the mother of an autistic adult, we have had our share of sleepless nights. My son,…
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Got Pimples? Bergamot Oil Will help

Got Pimples? Bergamot Oil Will help

Got Pimples? Bergamot Oil Will help. Although there is no lack of over-the-counter acne treatments, specific blunt discussions may, in turn, create more discomfort, causing acne to become worse in the long term. If you're searching for a mild, natural acne cure, many of the most refined acne essential oils are strong enough to destroy bacteria that cause acne, relieve irritation, and even help erase post-acne signs.   There are several common causes that can lead to acne, like internal influences such as hormones, nutrition, and stress, but the odd outbreak can also be due to anything as necessary as your dirty mobile phone. Although essential oils cannot…
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The Healing Benefits of Frankincense

The Healing Benefits of Frankincense

Essential oils have been utilized as a component of the aromatherapy process for hundreds of years due to their medicinal and soothing qualities. They come from seedlings, buds, or roots renowned for their therapeutic benefits. Frankincense is a popular form of essential oil used during aromatherapy with a range of therapeutic advantages like helping to reduce chronic stress and depression, decreasing pain and swelling, and improving immunity. The usage of Frankincense also extends theoretically to the battle against cancer. One of its most significant advantages is enhancing skin quality. Combats Aging and Wrinkles  The essential oil of Frankincense is a strong astringent, which ensures it helps preserve…
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How Tea Tree Essential Oil Helps Infections

How Tea Tree Essential Oil Helps Infections

Tea tree essential oil is an immensely popular addition in the self-care market for a number of reasons. Be it skincare or aromatherapy, pharmaceuticals, and whatnot, the advantages of using this essential oil are all valuable for overall wellness. But did you know one could also use it to treat infections as well? Keep reading if you want to find out how tea tree essential oil helps infections. Anti-Inflammatory Property Tea tree oil is filled with natural antioxidants that help fight free radical damage. These free radicals are responsible for inducing an inflammatory response in the cells and are often resulting due to the toxins released by foreign…
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