5 Reasons You Should Stop Jumping from MLM to MLM

5 Reasons You Should Stop Jumping from MLM to MLM

Let me start by saying, I am guilty of this! I started with a makeup company, moved to another makeup company (because it was newer), moved to shampoo, books, vitamins…  As you can see, I moved around a lot! Looking back, I can see how this really hurt my business and made people not trust me. Here are 5 Reasons you should find your MLM home and stay there… Your customers can’t buy what you are selling if you keep switching it up on them. I can’t tell you how many times someone reached out to me and asked if I was still selling a certain product and…
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HB Naturals Slimmer Love Box Overview

HB Naturals Slimmer Love Box Overview

Seems like weight loss is always on everyone’s list of things they would like to do for themselves to feel better and live a better more fulfilling life.  HB Naturals Slimmer Love Box is a collection of all natural organic products that can assist you with reaching your weightloss goals without pumping yourself full of toxins and chemicals from all the magic weightloss products on the market today.  Always remember I am not a doctor nor do I claim to be.  All information provided below is a collection of my knowledge based on research I have done.  Today I will walk you thru what all makes up…
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What’s Your Why?

What’s Your Why?

Why do you go to work every day? What is it that motivates you? What is it that keeps you going? Is it your kids? Are your kids your motivation? Is it your spouse? Is it your parents? Is it because you do not want your kids living the same life you lived growing up? What if you could join a team that’s built a step by step system that works? That helps you bring in leads. That helps you sell products. That helps you grow. That helps your team grow. What if you could join today and it cost no money at all. Would you join?…
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Live Your Best Life Possible

Live Your Best Life Possible

What does it mean to you when you hear someone say that you should live your best life possible?  This can mean very different things depending on who you are talking to.  Someone fresh out of college and entering the work force is not going to give you the same answer as someone that is 1 year away from being able to retire.  I think we can all agree that there are several things that would make it onto everyone’s list.  Almost everyone wants to live a healthy life.  Almost everyone wants to achieve financial wealth, and almost everyone wants happiness in their life.  There are many…
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HB Naturals Love Your Liver Box with Black Seed Oil Overview

HB Naturals Love Your Liver Box with Black Seed Oil Overview

Everybody knows that your body’s liver is nothing more than a giant filter, and like all parts of your body it is important to keep your liver clean and healthy.  The Love Your Liver Box with Black Seed Oil was put together to give you an all-natural organic alternative to helping your body keep your liver functioning at a high level.  We will go thru all the ingredients that are included in this love box, as well as their potential benefits for your body.  Always remember I am not a doctor nor do I claim to be.  All information provided below is a collection of my knowledge…
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Have Your Dreams Come True With HB Naturals Home Business

Have Your Dreams Come True With HB Naturals Home Business

We all have dreams of health and wealth but the key is to find a great fit with what you are passionate about. We definitely believe that you can have your dreams come true by plugging into the plan that HB Naturals has established to help us attain better health and increased wealth. So it all starts with a home business dream, but to walk that dream out you must have a killer plan of action. That is where HB Naturals comes into play. They provide the organic whole food products to move you into a higher level of health and there is a team-building division called…
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PAIN Magnesium Lotion Product Review

PAIN Magnesium Lotion Product Review

I have recently used HB Naturals PAIN Magnesium Lotion several times over the past few weeks.  The results were better than expected and I couldn’t be happier with this recent purchase. My normal full time job is Monday thru Friday working 45 hours a week sitting at a computer managing guys that do work in production faculties all over the country.  A few times every spring and fall we are busy enough that I have to get out from behind my desk and travel out to the job site and work.  By work I mean turning wrenches and other types of manual labor.  Our work days range…
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Building a Network Marketing Business with a Management Team vs Working Alone

Building a Network Marketing Business with a Management Team vs Working Alone

When you decide you want to jump into a network marketing opportunity you have to decide if you would like to make the journey solo, or if you want to find a group, or a team, to join.  They both have their advantages but everyone will benefit different depending on the option they choose. With network marketing you have to of course like the products that you re promoting.  You also have to like the way the compensation plan is set up to support your financial gains.  Let’s face it, it would be hard to promote products to people if you don’t like the products, or don’t…
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What’s Your Plan B?

What’s Your Plan B?

At the beginning of 2020 my family and I had plans for another great year.  We have 3 kids in in High School and we are always busy and on the go.  Between all the school activities and the kids hanging out with their friends our house sometimes felt like Grand Central Station, and I loved it.   We loved it so much that we decided to have an in ground pool installed this past February.  My wife Jaime and I wanted to provide our family a place to relax with our friends and family.  A place our kids could have their friends over to swim and lay…
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Network Marketing in Today’s Busy Society

Network Marketing in Today’s Busy Society

Let’s face it, in today’s society people are busier than they have ever been.  Time seems to go by faster than ever before and people are constantly on the move.  People don’t spend time with family like they used to and a lot of people don’t even know who their neighbors are.  People have ‘Friends’ on Facebook that they have never met in person and probably never will.  People have followers on Instagram that simply likes the pictures that are posted.  People interact with each other far differently than they did before the 2000’s. Even the way we shop for our clothing, groceries, and fast food has…
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