HB Naturals, A Great Home Biz Match For Easy Peasy Homeschool Members

HB Naturals, A Great Home Biz Match For Easy Peasy Homeschool Members

As homeschooling parents, we are on constant watch for opportunities to enrich the learning experience for our children AND combine lessons on business economics with real life opportunities. We have found a perfect match in HB Naturals that members of Easy Peasy Homeschool can use to create an extra income source and teach their children vital real life lessons about operating an online home business. It has been an incredible experience that my husband and I have been enjoying as homeschool parents to our 9 children over the years. We relished the freedom we had to tailor our lessons to the specific needs and interests of our…
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Organic Products with a Money Making Opportunity

Organic Products with a Money Making Opportunity

Today’s society is full of trendy diets and new ways to look at healthy living.  Everytime I open Facebook or Instagram I see an ad for the next best thing in weight loss.   Seems very overwhelming.   A normal person is never going to know what works and what doesn’t.  But does it have to be that difficult?  Why can’t it be so much easier to figure what is good for you and what’s not.   Most people can agree on a few things.   Portion control and reduce the sugars.  Beyond those 2 are the over processed refined foods packed full of preservatives.  With these foods you are not getting the vitamins and minerals your body needs…
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Build a Strong Network Marketing Team

Build a Strong Network Marketing Team

To be successful at almost everything you have to build a strong team around you.  It doesn’t matter if we’re talking about a sports team, a racing team or any other team, you are personally only going to be as successful as the team is.    Take sports for example.  A professional sports team spends a lot of time and a lot of money building what they consider to be the perfect team. Right down to every single position on the team.  Their success is determined by how well the team was built and how well the team works together.   It’s no different when building a network marketing business team.  Your…
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Can you support your family if you lost your job?

Can you support your family if you lost your job?

Let’s face it 2020 has not been the year anyone was expecting.  If it is the year you were expecting then you might need to look into some professional help.  Just kidding, but seriously get some help.   With the shutdowns, travel restrictions, and unprecedented unemployment everyone knows someone who has been effected by this global pandemic.  Therefore everyone knows a family or multiple families that are struggling to make ends meet, and put food on the table.  This is scary times for a lot of people and has a lot of people rethinking how they plan on making money.  Not only how they are going to make money but how…
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Getting Paid with HB Naturals

Getting Paid with HB Naturals

I knew when I signed up with HB Naturals that it was a really great company to sign up with. The products are phenomenal, but I had no idea that you could get paid seven different ways!! The first time I made money from the matrix, I didn’t know what it was and why I was getting extra money when I had no sales yet.  In this article we’re going to talk about the seven different ways that you can get paid with HB Naturals. Retail Sales The first way you can get paid with HB Naturals is by selling the products. With the HB vitality team,…
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Get Paid To Lose Weight with HB Naturals

Get Paid To Lose Weight with HB Naturals

The Heart & Body Naturals SLIMMER Challenge is a 90-day contest everyone can win! The Heart & Body Naturals SLIMMER Challenge Participants are paid based on the amount of weight they lose using SLIMMER and other HBN products, up to $10 per pound lost! Details can be found here: https://www.gocleanandlean.com/index.asp?sponsorsite=HealthyIsHot I’ll highlight the details below… Prizes Prizes are awarded based on the number of pounds a participant loses during the SLIMMER Challenge. The maximum prize amount that can be earned is $500. Lose 1-19 pounds in 90 days and earn an official SLIMMER Challenge t-shirt.Lose 20-29 pounds in 90 days and earn $4 per pound lost.Lose 30-39 pounds in 90 days and earn…
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The Power of Residual Income with HB Naturals

The Power of Residual Income with HB Naturals

The question of the day is what the power of residual income means to you?  I can’t tell you what it means to you, but I can tell you what it means to me.  I can also tell you what I’m doing to secure lifelong residual income that will support my family for many years to come.  Residual income can give you the financial freedom that most people only dream of, and it’s within reach for everyone. What residual income means to me and my family? It means not being worried about today’s high cost of medical careIt means knowing the money is there to get the kids ready to start…
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What’s Your Side Hustle with HB Naturals

What’s Your Side Hustle with HB Naturals

In today’s uncertain times what is your back up plan.  If you lost your job today due to a global pandemic, company downsizing, or any other number of events what would you be doing to earn money.  What if I told you that you could make extra money in your spare time and become financially secure and financially independent from working a traditional Monday through Friday job.  If you’re like me that is something that would peak my interest. In today’s society with all the social media and Internet use there are new ways to go about making money.  I’m talking about network marketing.  But not traditional…
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500 mg Hemp Herbals by HB Naturals

500 mg Hemp Herbals by HB Naturals

I recently started taking Hemp Herbals 500 mg CBD oil in the HB Naturals family of amazing products.  I decided to give the 500 mg Hemp Herbals CBD oil a try to help with the inflammation and pain in my knees.  For years I have had some level of pain in my knees, especially when I’m going up stairs.  Along with the pain and inflammation in my knees, there is always grinding and popping noises coming out of them. For my product review I am going to start taking the Hemp Herbals and document how I’m feeling and what changes I’m experiencing over the next 7 days. …
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Get Healthy and Get Wealthy with HB Naturals

Get Healthy and Get Wealthy with HB Naturals

Every year tens of Millions of people say they want to do more for their health, but what about their financial health?  Wouldn’t it be better is everyone said they wanted to get healthy and get wealthy for the new-year.  Well you don’t have to wait for the new-year.  The time to start is now. Every December is the same.  Everyone gets thru the holidays and all the holiday parties, and they pack on a few pounds.  Then January rolls around and most people have the same new-years resolution.  They all want to lose that extra weight they put on during the holidays plus the 10 -20…
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