Welcome! My name is Michelle Keown and I am a consultant with Heart and Body Naturals. Today I want to share a few points of why I joined this company and this particular team, HB Vitality Team.
My sponsor, Tonya Vann, is a trusted friend and savvy business woman. She told me about this company and its products. I trust her instincts, so I moved on it and joined with the FREE membership. Yes…. It’s free to join!
HB Naturals has a great, all natural, organic product line to include CBD oils, personal care products, minerals, coffee, weight loss and detox products as well as a line for our fur-babies. HB Naturals is a young company, debt-free, growing rapidly and located in Kentucky. I love that it’s literally “Made in the USA” Their philosophy is plants, not pills, which I strongly believe in and aligns with my values. It fits into our lifestyle. My husband, Doug, and I have been working together to clean up our diet and get moving more. Using more natural products is beneficial to us as we age. Let’s face it: He is 59 and I am 49. We can always do better with our health and age as gracefully as we can; to stay in the best shape we can for as long as we can.
The thing that sets this team apart from others is their unique and common-sense view of network marketing. If you’ve ever been told to make a list of 200 of your friends and family, or the “3 foot rule” whereas anyone who is lucky enough to be within three foot of you, gets to hear your testimony as you share about your product and company. I know you get this. Read on…
The Rotator– what in the world?…Sounds like a new Marvel hero… so the originator of this group, Todd Raymer, is an IT guy with many years of experience in network marketing. He sees and knows the value of it. He created this method of taking leads and dispersing them to his team of consultants! (Seriously cool!) Enter Daniel Jay, this network marketing guy who has been doing this since he was about two, (just kidding, but he is a young’in). These two men joined forces, their expertise, their experiences and put the internet to work to their advantage. They are making all this information available to us!! For free! Yeah… I have been to those costly seminars. Paid for the event, the hotel room, the rental car, only to have the highest of the high come out to the stage and tell me to get two people to join.
REALLY?! I could have stayed home for that revelation! Can you relate?
THESE PEOPLE | HB Vitality Team
This team is providing amazing training and wonderful feedback. We are all creating viable content for those seeking and searching the world wide web…those that are already interested…. WARM leads. What a new concept, right?? Since I am not a pushy, salesy kind of girl, this is right up my alley!
Did you ever have a boss that made it difficult to ask questions? I think we all have. If I have a question, they are right there for me. They make it feel safe to have questions and they value your input. The cool part is, they are your teammates, not your boss, because this is your own business.
Residual income! Residual income is that point where your business becomes automated. It refers to the amount of money you continue to generate after your initial work is done. My husband is approaching retirement and I believe it’s important to have diversified streams of income.
There are many ways that HB Naturals can fit into your life. I’m discovering this for myself. One has the option of being a wholesale customer or building a business. It’s your choice! Not only can it improve your health, but can impact your finances in a healthy way!
To learn more about HB Naturals and business opportunity,
Check it out for yourself: